How to complain
We’re really sorry that we’re not meeting the standard you expect from us

We're really sorry
We apologise that we're not meeting the standard you expect from us. If you've got a complaint about us, please let us know so we can help. We really value your feedback and we'll use it to improve what we do. We also promise we'll resolve your complaint fairly, for free, and in a timely manner.
We've made our complaints data available for you to view, should you wish to do so.

Contacting us
You can email us at or call 0333 399 0050
We are here to help you 8am-8pm, 7 days a week.
If you’d prefer to send us a letter, our address is:
Atom bank,
PO Box 105,
NE24 9DU
Alternatively, if you’ve got the Atom app, log in, click on the Help button on your screen and you’ll be able to type a message to us which we can answer straight away.
What we do when you complain
We’ll acknowledge your complaint as soon as possible.
Email - within four hours, once received in our operating hours of 8am-8pm
In-app chat - between 8am-8pm, everyday
Phone - between 8am-8pm, everyday
Letter - within 72 hours of receiving it
We’ll do everything we can to resolve your complaint within three business days.
If we can’t, we’ll either:
Contact you within three working days to tell you what we’ve done to resolve the issue.
We’ll acknowledge your complaint and let you know when you can expect a full response. This will typically be within 15 days, however where there are exceptional circumstances we may take longer than this to investigate and resolve your complaint. We’ll write to you to let you know if we need longer than 15 days.
Haven’t had a resolution within 15 days or if you’re unhappy with our decision?
The Financial Ombudsman Service is your next step.